Thursday, May 1, 2008

Check Out ALIA's Summer Art Workshops and Get Involved

Amston Lake Improvement Association
Summer Art Workshops 2008
ALIA is hosting 3 Art Workshops this summer starting with an Art Demo Night on Monday Night June 16th at 6:30 PM. We will be featuring 3 local artists, showing and talking about the workshops they will be providing this summer. Pottery, Watercolor Painting and Drawing Workshops will be offered. All workshops are offered for students age 13 to adult. On Art Demo Night, a $5.00 donation per family would be appreciated for the Artists' Time.
The Pottery Workshop with Michele Sinkez will be held on Wednesday Nights starting July 9th from 6:30 PM until 8:30 PM and will continue for 8 weeks - all Wednesday Nights except Aug 6th when it will be held on Monday Aug. 4th because of a prior booking of the club house that Wednesday. The fee for the Pottery Workshops will be $80.00 for ALIA members and $100.00 for non-members. $10.00 a night for members is a great deal. Materials will be offered by the instructor for $15.00, and you will need to supply your own pottery tool kit that can be bought at the Thatcher’s Alcove in Marlborough .
A special feature of this class will be an outdoor "Pit Fire" firing of all pottery projects made in the seven weeks of workshops; this will be followed by a Pot Luck Dinner on the Main Beach, with more details to follow. Sign up for this quick because there is limited space for this workshop.
Our Watercolor Painting Workshops provided by Mary Horrigan entail 4 weeks of instruction in watercolor painting starting on Thursday Night July 10th from 6:30-8:30 PM. Cost is only $40.00 for ALIA members and 50.00 for non members. Again, it’s a great deal for members $10.00 per night. At the Art Demo Night, Mary will be providing a materials list for interested students. Mary is an excellent local artist and teaches Watercolor at Manchester Community College. This class fills very quickly as well; reserve your spot soon; space is limited for this workshop.
Starting on Thursday Night Aug 7th from 6:30-8:30 for four consecutive Thursday Nights in August, our Drawing Workshop will begin, featuring Katherine Berlin, local artist from Thatcher’s Alcove. Katherine will supply a material listing at our Art Demo Night as well. Katherine’s Drawing Workshop is a great way to get started drawing and to learn some excellent pointers from a very well established local artist. Again, early sign-up is suggested; this workshop is limited and fills fast. This is priced the same as the Watercolor Workshop and is a great value at any level.
Reservations can be made by phone by calling Drew Gibson ALIA Director of Community Relations at 424-6646 and payments will be accepted at the Art Demo Night on June 16th. Or Checks can be mailed to: Drew Gibson, 8 Rondaly Road, Amston Ct 06231, made out to ALIA and please write what workshop you want to attend on the check. We hope this is a start to many more fun workshops to come, we look forward to seeing your interests and would love to hear your feed back on up and coming workshops.

Sincerely, Drew Gibson and Amston Lake Improvement Association

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring is HERE??

HI Friends and Lake Folk,
Hey I bet you can't wait for the good old spring and summer weather to dance upon us, I know I can wait to open up the house and get the stale air out, and the fresh country air in. Our March meeting for ALIA went very well, I am excited about our directions, and future. The tricentennial celebration on June 7th has its promise to becoming a very fun day in the sun with the hoping of a good turn out. I am still working with some local artists and friends in the area to have creative art sessions or workshops this summer, whether it be in photography, watercolor, drawing and almost anything. I will be looking for local volunteers that would like to spend some time with small groups of people that are interested.
All my other ideas are coming along, I realize that what we have quite a bit on our plate right now, but recruiting more volunteers to join the board will really get the ball moving for us here on Amston Lake. We have a great board of directors right now, and urge people to participate as much as they can, and please comment new ideas, of events, things you might be able to contribute, workshops, travel nights, anything. We will do our best to make it happen.
Its March Madness, Spring Cleaning and getting ready for the sun is on the agenda, lets throw alot of lake fun into the following months ahead, please comment on some ideas, and I will be touching base back here in a few!
Spring Fling Come on Down-
Go Girl Huskies!!!
Drew Gibson

Monday, February 4, 2008

Superbowl Coming Down

Hi Guys and Gals,
This one goes out to all you Giant Fans, what a great game, and very deserving win I must say. The Patriots are my team, I am not afraid to say that too loudly, dissappointment is all about life. We have our Hills and Valleys right when you are coasting down that hill into the valley, you know its going to be another upward hill climb to get to the top of that next hill. Life to me is alot like that. I went to a Super Bowl party here on the lake it was quite awesome, the food was unbelieveable, and it was great once again to meet somemore neighbors on the lake, I dont mean to sound like I am running for office, but I have lived here for about 4 years now, and I tell you, I enjoy meeting new faces here on the lake. Its a great place to be.
Oh you know me I was cookin up somemore thoughts about our lake, and what type of activities might be fun for the lake and I was thinking about a winter festival, with ice skating and a ice fishing derby, campfire and ice sculptures or a snow man making contest. How about Holiday Carolers next year, and a community Holiday Tree at the Corner Lot by the main beach. How about a swim for charity across the lake to Lollipop Beach and back during the summer as part of Lake Day in Aug, those type of things would be fun.
Well, I am getting tired stayed up to late watching my team get their butts handed to them, now I can concentrate on UCONN Basketball. Hope all is well with everyone. Stay in touch and stay warm.
Always, Drew

Monday, January 28, 2008

Super Bowl Right Around the Corner

Howdie Football Fans;
I went to a non sports Sunday afternoon party on the lake yesterday and got to meet some really great people. It got the wood burning upstairs in my brain and I was thinking that it would be a fun event at the club house to have a Super Bowl Party, with raffles, big screen TV, snacks and card games. Then I found out their is no Cable in the club house. Has anyone ever thought of having cable for big events, Super Bowl, World Series, etc. I think a donation jar or a cover charge for these events would off set the cost of the Cable Television. Just a thought to pass by everyone.
I know this Blog has some concerns about its intent, and to make it a bit clearer, its a forum for ALIA to get input on suggested Lake activities. A way to get residents to give ideas of functions and ideas. They can show their appreciation and input of functions in the past, and give input for plans for the future. Like all suggestions, not every one of them can be met, but its nice to have a forum where ideas can be initiated and brought to our meetings and talked about. The intention isn't for people to voice District concerns, management of the lake, and grounds issues. Another purpose of the Blog is to create an awareness that people like us on ALIA really want to do things to make a difference in our community, and be able to draw off from our local residents to participate, and find local talent to help in volunteering for workshops, and other activities that get proposed. Primarily its just for the ALIA discussion and to propose new ideas for activities on our Beautiful Lake and at our Club House. I hope this clarifies its function as my views to starting the Blog.
With that all said, I look forward to our informal meeting coming up soon, so we can gear up for 2008, like I said I am excited about this, and I know that Rome wasn't created in day, but its fun to start somewhere.
Hope to hear from you soon, ENJOY THE SUPER BOWL it should be one of the best YET!
As Always, I hope everyone has a great week.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Perhaps, a Blog will take time to catch on?

Hi Guys,
I have been thinking about this blog and perhaps people don't know what this maybe all about. Its really just to help communicate, and used as a tool for me to field neighbors thoughts and expectations of what we can do around Amston for alot of fun. Fun needs to be our middle name. With so many things in life so demanding, how about something we all can come home too, and look forward to the next ALIA Function. Some new thoughts came to me, as I was talking to a neighbor and learning some of the experiences from the past on the lake, I learned about a women named Gert Toth, who was a key participant in ALIA. I learned she loved BINGO, lets have a GERT TOTH ALIA FUND RAISER BINGO NIGHT, and perhaps start up a BINGO night once a month for FUN! Have snacks, sell our next event, promote our lake, get some donations for future events and so on.Its a win, win situation. I would love some input on this.
Other thoughts I was coming up with, work out nights at the club house, maybe some Ti Bo or Aerobics some Bow Flex training and invite your neighbor to a exercise session, maybe even a weight lost weigh in as well. And most of all, having fun with it, lets make it fun and not a chore to exercise!!
Just some thoughts, feel free to respond to me through email or comment right here, don't be shy!
Have a great week everyone and stay warm!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Does Anyone think this is a good idea??

Just wondering if anyone thinks this might be a good idea, maybe not everyone knows how to comment on this blog, its really pretty easy. Anyways, I was hoping this would be a good way for us to communicate? Does anyone have any preference in when we could meet sometime in the next week or two to discuss up and coming events? Please feel free to comment.
I hope everyone is doing okay.
Have a great week,

Monday, January 14, 2008

Here Comes Winter Lets Think about Summer

A few ideas as winter comes beating down upon us again. I was thinking of looking into having Movie Nights during the summer on Wed Nights, possibly an open mic night thrown in there every other Friday, and I am also working with some local artists to put together art workshops in our Club House. I am also thinking of putting together an Art activity for kids this summer at the Club House in the afternoons.

I wish there were a way we could get some sort of electrical panel set up for the Main Beach and for the Corner Lot. It would make it a whole lot easier than generators. Maybe this can be brought to the board or I can look for at least an estimate of how much it would be. I know the bands need electricity for Lake Day, why not make something permanent. We can charge a small admission to offset any electric expenses. Just some thoughts. Anybody have an ideas, please pass them on.

I cant believe I have to drive to Tolland in this snow, my first day back to work since Dec 21st, its a Happy Day!

Take Care and talk to you soon.
